Teacher certification is the education system’s process by which the state evaluates the credentials of prospective teachers to ensure that they possess the minimum qualifications set by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE). Certification ratifies the quality of a teacher’s competence in subject knowledge, teaching skills, methodologies, and potential classroom management skills. Certification is a legal process carried out by the Arizona Department of Education’s teacher certification division. All states require teacher applicants to have completed a bachelor’s degree and a state-approved teacher education program or the appropriate number of credits for coursework requirements.
The Certification Unit at the Arizona Department of Education provides services to educators to assist them in obtaining and maintaining their Arizona Educator...
The traditional pathway to teacher certification is designed for individuals pursuing an initial bachelor's degree in education. Candidates in a traditional program...
You can apply online to renew your certificate, for all initial certificates, approved areas, and endorsements including: All initial certificates (Substitute, Standard Professional, CTE, STEM, Subject Matter Expert...
This site allows you to register to take an exam, provides exam information, and exam study guides as well as more information such as your testing history and results.
To be selected to receive the award, schools must display outstanding achievement in one of the six principles as demonstrated by information provided...
The Arizona Department of Education Certification Unit may issue a comparable teaching, administrative, or professional non-teaching certificate to an applicant who holds a valid, comparable certificate...
We are happy to assist you in applying for certification or answering certification and requirement questions by phone or e-mail.
Forms and information for issuance, renewal, and transfer of certificates, endorsements, and approved areas.